Information for Authors

Information for Authors

Would you like to contribute an article to "Powering Lafayette Louisiana's Future?"

Articles and commentary are published by invitation only, and may cover the broad range of topics related to Lafayette electrical power. We are particularly interested in the topics of generation, planning, management, alternative power, energy savings, and opportunities. All articles should focus on subjects that are relevant to local conditions or issues. Authors may request an invitation to publish via email to any editor proposing the subject of the article. The decision to publish is solely the decision of the editors. Any opinions and/or recommendations are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the editors, the League of Women Voters, or the Sierra Club.

All articles should include

  • Title
  • Author name and contact information
  • List of key terms
The editors maintain the right to select or reject any submission. The editors may also make minor editorial changes or to re-format submissions prior to publication.